Resource Binding

In DotVVM 1.1, the resource bindings have changed. The @resourceType and @resourceNamespace directives are no longer supported. The @import directive is used instead.

The resource binding is used to access the values from .NET resource files (RESX). The default syntax is {resource: FullNamespace.ResourceClass.ResourceKey}. This will find the appropriate RESX file and use the value with the specified key.

For example, if you have a project named MyWebApp and you have a Resources\Web\Strings.resx file in the project, the resource class will be MyWebApp.Resources.Web.Strings (provided you haven't change the default namespace in the project properties). To retrieve the resource, you need to use {resource: MyWebApp.Resources.Web.Strings.SomeResourceKey}.

The @import Directive

The syntax with full namespace is long, so you can use the @import directive to import namespaces.

For example, in a project with the Resources\Web\Strings1.resx and Resources\Web\Strings2.resx files, the markup can look like this:

@import MyWebApp.Resources.Web

{{resource: Strings1.SomeResource}}
{{resource: Strings2.SomeResource}}

The resource bindings are always evaluated on the server. When evaluating, the CurrentUICulture of the thread that handles the HTTP request will be used.

See the Globalization section for more information about working with the request cultures.

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