
in namespace DotVVM.Framework.Controls

Renders a FileUpload control allowing users to upload one or multiple files asynchronously.

Usage & Scenarios

Allows the user to upload one or multiple files asynchronously.

Upload Configuration

The upload works on the background and starts immediately when the user selects the files. To make file uploading work, you have to specify where the temporary files will be uploaded.

The recommended strategy is to store the uploaded files in your application directory or in the temp directory (if your app have the appropriate permissions). To define this, you have to register the UploadedFileStorage in the IDotvvmServiceConfigurator.

public void ConfigureServices(IDotvvmServiceCollection options)

Using the Control

Then, you need to bind the FileUpload control to an UploadedFilesCollection. It is a collection which will hold references to the files the user has selected and uploaded.

This collection has a handy property IsBusy of boolean which indicated whether the file upload is still in progress. You can use it e.g. on the button's Enabled property to disallow the user to continue until the upload is finished.

Retrieving the Stored Files

The files are saved to a temporary location on the server. The UploadedFilesCollection holds only unique IDs of the files. To get the file contents, you have to retrieve them using the IUploadedFileStorage object.

The simplest way to interact with IUploadedFileStorage service is to request it as a parameter in the viewmodel constructor.

public class MyViewModel 

    private IUploadedFileStorage storage;

	public MyViewModel(IUploadedFileStorage storage)
	{ = storage;

You can then use the GetFile method to retrieve the Stream to access the file contents.

foreach (var file in UploadedFiles.Files)
  if (file.IsAllowed)
    // get the stream of the uploaded file and do whatever you need to do
    var stream = storage.GetFile(file.FileId);

    // OR you can just move the file from the temporary storage somewhere else
    var targetPath = Path.Combine(uploadPath, file.FileId + ".bin");
    storage.SaveAs(file.FileId, targetPath);
    // it is a good idea to delete the file from the temporary storage 
    // it is not required, the file would be deleted automatically after the timeout set in the DotvvmStartup.cs

You should check the FileTypeAllowed and MaxSizeExceeded properties before you start to process the files. The file size and extension are validated on the client-side, but an attacker can easily pass these checks.

You should delete the temporary files after they are processed. The files will be deleted automatically from the storage after 30 minutes. You can change this timeout or the specific storage implementation in DotvvmStartup - instead of calling AddDefaultTempStorages, just register any implementation of IUploadedFileStorage in the IServiceCollection.


Sample 1: Basic FileUpload control

The FileUpload control has the UploadedFiles property (of type UploadedFilesCollection). Each file will get a unique ID which is stored in this collection.

The AllowMultipleFiles property specifies whether the user can select multiple files in the file browser window.

<dot:FileUpload UploadedFiles="{value: Files}" AllowMultipleFiles="true" />
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DotVVM.Framework.Controls;

namespace DotvvmWeb.Views.Docs.Controls.builtin.FileUpload.sample1
    public class ViewModel
        public UploadedFilesCollection Files { get; set; }

        public ViewModel()
            Files = new UploadedFilesCollection();

Sample 2: UploadCompleted Event

The UploadCompleted event is fired automatically when file is uploaded.

<dot:FileUpload UploadedFiles="{value: Files}" AllowMultipleFiles="true" 
                UploadCompleted="{command: ProcessFile()}" />

{{value: Message}}
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DotVVM.Framework.Controls;

namespace DotvvmWeb.Views.Docs.Controls.builtin.FileUpload.sample2
    public class ViewModel
        public UploadedFilesCollection Files { get; set; }

        public string Message { get; set; }

        public ViewModel()
            Files = new UploadedFilesCollection();

        public void ProcessFile()
            // do what you have to do with the uploaded files
            Message = "ProcessFile() was called.";

Sample 3: Processing the Files

You can use the Files.IsBusy property to determine whether the upload is still in progress or not.

<dot:FileUpload UploadedFiles="{value: Files}" 
                AllowMultipleFiles="true" />
  <dot:Button Text="Save Files" 
              Click="{command: Process()}"
              Enabled="{value: !Files.IsBusy}" />
using System.IO;
using DotVVM.Framework.Controls;
using DotVVM.Framework.Storage;
using DotVVM.Framework.ViewModel;

namespace DotvvmWeb.Views.Docs.Controls.builtin.FileUpload.sample3
    public class ViewModel : DotvvmViewModelBase
        private IUploadedFileStorage storage;
        public UploadedFilesCollection Files { get; set; }

        public ViewModel(IUploadedFileStorage storage)
            // use dependency injection to request IUploadedFileStorage
   = storage;
            Files = new UploadedFilesCollection();

        public void Process()
            var uploadPath = GetUploadPath();

            // save all files to disk
            foreach (var file in Files.Files)
                var targetPath = Path.Combine(uploadPath, file.FileId + ".bin");
                storage.SaveAs(file.FileId, targetPath);

            // clear the uploaded files collection so the user can continue with other files

        private string GetUploadPath()
            var uploadPath = Path.Combine(Context.Configuration.ApplicationPhysicalPath, "MyFiles");
            if (!Directory.Exists(uploadPath))
            return uploadPath;


Name Type Description Notes Default Value
property icon AllowedFileTypes String Gets or sets the types of files that the server accepts. It must be a comma-separated list of unique content type specifiers (eg. ".jpg,image/png,audio/*"). All file types are allowed by default.
inner element
static value
property icon AllowMultipleFiles Boolean Gets or sets whether the user can select multiple files at once. It is enabled by default.
inner element
static value
property icon MaxFileSize Int32? Gets or sets the maximum size of files in megabytes (MB). The size is not limited by default.
inner element
static value
property icon NumberOfFilesIndicatorText String Gets or sets the text on the indicator showing number of files. The default value is "{0} files". The number of files will be substituted for the "{0}" placeholder.
inner element
static value
{0} files
property icon SuccessMessageText String Gets or sets the text that appears when all files are uploaded successfully.
inner element
static value
The files were uploaded successfully.
property icon UploadButtonText String Gets or sets the text on the upload button. The default value is "Upload".
inner element
static value
property icon UploadedFiles UploadedFilesCollection Gets or sets a collection of uploaded files.
inner element
static value
property icon UploadErrorMessageText String Gets or sets the text that appears when there is an error during the upload.
inner element
static value
Error occurred.


Name Type Description
event icon UploadCompleted Command Gets or sets a command that is triggered when the upload is complete.

HTML produced by the control