Electron integration

Electron is a cross platform framework for creating native application with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Electron is powered by Chromium and Node.js.

DotVVM provides integration with Electron. You can write cross platform application with C#. It uses WebSockets to communicate with Electron backend. Integration with Electron is open source on Github.

Integration with Electron is still in beta. The API may and probably will be changed.

Getting Started

Required : Node.js, ASP.NET Core

You can use our dotnet new template for creating a new project. Or if you want to setup manually, you must install this packages.

  1. Install NuGet package
Install-Package DotVVM.Framework.Integration.Electron
  1. Add required services with extension method AddElectronIntegration in ConfigureServices method in your Startup class.
  1. To wire up WebSocket communication with electron you need to add extension method UseElectronIntegration in Configure method.
  1. Add dependency to dotvvm-electron module in your package.json file.
  "dependencies": {
    "dotvvm-electron": "~0.0.22-beta1"

In your main.js/index.js file, which you have defined in your package.json as a main/startup script, use dotvvm-electron module:

var dotvvmElectron = require('dotvvm-electron'); 
dotvvmElectron.run(__dirname, {
  relativeWebAppPath: 'webapp/dist/app',

dotvvmElectron.run(__dirname [, options])

  • __dirname String - In node.js the __dirname is global object containing directory name of the current module.

  • options Object (optional)

    • relativeWebAppPath String (optional) - A relative path to standalone web app without extension (extension will be added according to the operating system)
    • indexPagePath String (optional) - a URL path of the first loaded page
    • browserWindowOptions Object (optional) - options passed to new Browser Window
    • browserWindowCreated Function (optional) - function called after creating a Browser Window


First, you have to resolve object ElectronService in ViewModel. ElectronService contains all available modules. Modules names corresponds with modules in Electron API.

Open MessageBox

We create method called ShowMessageBox in the ViewModel. In this method we are calling method ShowMessageBox on Dialog module. This call instruct Electron to show MessageBox with given options.


public async Task ShowMessageBox()
    var options = new ShowMessageBoxOptions
        Title = "New MessageBox"
    await _electronService.Dialog.ShowMessageBox(options);

Now we just add button to view which will on click call our new method in the ViewModel.


<dot:Button Text="Show MessageBox" Click="{command: ShowMessageBox()}" />

Next steps

For more information, see the following resources:

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