Value Binding

The value binding is the most frequently used binding in DotVVM.

It allows you to bind a property in the viewmodel to a property of a control in the DOTHTML file, or just render the value as a text.

Let's have the following viewmodel:

public class MyViewModel {
    public string Url { get; set; }

In the DOTHTML markup, we can bind the property to the hyperlink's href attribute:

<a href="{value: Url}">Go To URL</a>

If you run the page and view the page source code, you'll see that DotVVM translated the binding into a Knockout JS expression. DotVVM uses this popular JavaScript framework to perform the data binding.

This is the HTML that will be rendered and sent to the browser:

<a data-bind="attr: { 'href': Url }">Go To URL</a>

The word value represents the type of the data binding.

The Url is an expression that will be evaluated in the client's browser. The expression can use the public properties from the viewmodel, access elements of collections and use supported operators.

You cannot, for example, call methods from the value bindings.

Expressions Supported in Value Bindings

  • SomeProperty
  • SomeProperty.OtherProperty
  • SomeCollection[6]
  • SomeCollection[6].OtherProperty
  • SomeProperty >= 0
  • SomeProperty + 1
  • SomeProperty ? "some string" : "other string"
  • SomeProperty != OtherProperty

If you use the ICollection.Count or Array.Length property, they will be translated to JavaScript to use the length property on the JavaScript array.

Null Handling in Value Bindings

You don't have to be afraid of null values. If some part of the expression evaluates to null, the whole expression will return null.

Internally, DotVVM treats every . as .? in C# 6.

Double and Single Quotes

Because the bindings in HTML attributes are often wrapped in double quotes, DotVVM allows to use single quotes (apostrophes) for strings as well.

<a class="{value: Active ? 'active' : 'not-active' }"></a>


If you have a property of an enum type in your viewmodel, you may need to work with that value in the binding.

In DotVVM, the enum values are converted to strings on the client side, so you can compare the value with strings.

public class MyViewModel {
    public ButtonColor Color { get; set; }    // ButtonColor is enum

Use strings for enum value literals:

<a class="{value: Color == 'Red' ? 'button-red' : 'button-normal'}">button</a>

In DotVVM 1.1 and newer, you can also use the ButtonColor.Red syntax, provided that you import the namespace using the @import directive.

@import DotvvmDemo.DAL.Enums

<a class="{value: Color == ButtonColor.Red ? 'button-red' : 'button-normal'}">button</a>

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