DotVVM Private NuGet Feed

The Bootstrap for DotVVM controls are not available on the official NuGet feed.

Instead, we have our own private NuGet feed which contains all commercial products we have. You can also find pre-release versions of DotVVM Core in this feed. This feed requires authentication and it will give you only the packages you have purchased.

When you install the DotVVM for Visual Studio 2015 and sign in, the extension will offer to install the DotVVM Private Nuget Feed for you.

Adding the Feed Manually

If you don't see the DotVVM Private NuGet Feed, you can also use these manual steps to install it.

  1. Locate the nuget.exe tool, or download it from the NuGet website.

  2. Open command line in the folder with nuget.exe and run this script (don't forget to fill your own credentials):

nuget sources Add -Name "Dotvvm Feed" -Source "" -UserName "YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS" -Password "YOUR PASSWORD"


  1. If the DotVVM for Visual Studio fails to install the NuGet feed, make sure that you have the latest version of NuGet Package Manager extension installed. You can update it in the Tools > Extensions and Updates menu in Visual Studio.

  2. If you don't see any packages in the Dotvvm Private NuGet Feed, make sure you have activated your license.

  3. Some packages in the feed are still not in final version. If you want to use beta versions, make sure you have checked the Include Prerelease box.

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