Lint DotHTML

The DotVVM Command-Line tool can be used to lint (list compiler errors and warnings in) pages, master pages, and markup controls in both ASP.NET Core and OWIN projects without running them.


dotnet dotvvm lint [options] [<target>]


  • [<target>] - an optional path to the DotVVM project where a new API client should be created. If left unspecified, the current working directory is used.


  • --no-build - the <target> project is built with dotnet build by default. This switch disables that behavior. The <target> project must be built before running this project.
  • --configuration <configuration> - the configuration used to build the <target> project or to locate its binary if --no-build is present. Is set to Debug by default.
  • --framework <framework> - the target framework used to build the <target> project or to locate its binary if --no-build is present. If left unspecified, the first entry in the TargetFrameworks (or TargetFramework) MSBuild property is used.

See also