Use Bootstrap 5 Dark Theme

Bootstrap for DotVVM allows you to change a default Bootstrap theme to customize the look and feel of their application. This feature is available through a new attached property, Theme.Value. The property can be added to any HTML tag or control and support binding or hard-coded values.


First, let's add theme property to the body. This way, the theme change will be applied to all components on the page.

@viewModel DotVVM.Bootstrap5.Samples.ViewModels.MasterPageViewModel, DotVVM.Bootstrap5.Samples
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
<body Theme.Value="{value: Theme}">
        <dot:ContentPlaceHolder ID="MainContent" />

To make the binding work, MasterPageViewModel should have a public Theme property.

public class MasterPageViewModel : DotvvmViewModelBase
    public BootstrapTheme Theme { get; set; } = BootstrapTheme.Light;

Let's add a simple View, where NavBar control above includes a NavBarDropDown that will change the global theme.

<bs:Container ID="TestContainer">
    <bs:NavBar data-ui="default">
            <img height="30rem" src="/Resources/Images/tree.svg" />
                Link to the first Page
                Link to the second Page
            <bs:NavBarDropDown HeaderText="Change theme">
                <bs:DropDownItem Click="{command: ChangeToLight()}">
                    <bs:Icon Type="Sun_Fill" /> Change to Light
                <bs:DropDownItem Click="{command: ChangeToDark()}">
                    <bs:Icon Type="Moon_Fill" /> Change to Dark
    <bs:Alert Type="Primary" HeaderText="Hey!"
              Text="Boostrap for DotVVM allows you to change a default Boostrap theme to customize the look and feel of their application.">
    <bs:Alert Type="Warning" HeaderText="Hey!"
              Text="Boostrap for DotVVM allows you to change a default Boostrap theme to customize the look and feel of their application.">
    <bs:Alert Type="Success" HeaderText="Hey!"
        <bs:Row Flex.AlignItemsAll="Start">
                Note on the left
                Note on the right

The corresponding ViewModel includes only two methods.

public void ChangeToLight()
    Theme = BootstrapTheme.Light;
public void ChangeToDark()
    Theme = BootstrapTheme.Dark;

Now you are able to switch the themes.