TypeScript declarations

If you plan to write a lot of client-side code, TypeScript can save you a lot of time.

Using TypeScript in DotVVM projects is not different from using TypeScript with other frameworks. The TypeScript declaration files (.d.ts) for DotVVM are published on npm.

Install npm packages

If you don't have the package.json file present in the root folder of your app, you can create it by running the following command. It will create the default package.json file:

npm init -y

Install TypeScript

The most convenient option is to have TypeScript CLI tool installed globally. You can find out by running tsc --version in the command-line - if it reports that it doesn't know tsc, you don't have it installed.

To install TypeScript globally, run the following command:

npm install -g typescript

If you want to build TypeScript files as part of the project build using a Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild NuGet package, refer to the official documentation.

Get DotVVM type declarations

The main advantage of TypeScript is type checking and IntelliSense. If your code interacts with DotVVM client-side API or with Knockout observables, you'll need to add the declaration files for these libraries.

Run the following command in the console:

npm install --save-dev dotvvm-types


Once the dependencies are installed, you'll need a tsconfig.json file to tell DotVVM about the type declarations. If you don't have such file in the root folder of the app, create it and put the following content inside:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es6",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "typeRoots": [

If you already have the tsconfig.json file present in the project, make sure to copy the typeRoots section so it is the same as in the sample above.

Now, the IntelliSense should work for the dotvvm global object.

See also