Generate REST API clients

The DotVVM Command-Line tool can be used to add and update REST API bindings clients.

Even though the DotVVM CLI requires .NET Core, it can be used on .NET Framework projects with OWIN as well, since .NET Core is not a runtime component and is used only on the developer's machine.

Add an API client


dotnet dotvvm api [<target>] create [options] <definition>


  • [<target>] - an optional path to the DotVVM project where a new API client should be created. If left unspecified, the current working directory is used.
  • [<definition>] - path or a URL to an OpenAPI definition.


  • --namespace <namespace - the namespace of the generated C# API client.
  • --cs-path <cs-path> - path to the generated C# client.
  • --ts-path <ts-path - path to the generated TypeScript client.

Update an API client


dotnet dotvvm api [<target>] regen [options] [<definition>]


  • [<target>] - an optional path to the DotVVM project where an API client should be regenerated. If left unspecified, the current working directory is used.
  • [<definition>] - an optional path or a URL to the OpenAPI definition whose API client should be updated. If left unspecified, all API clients defined in the config file will be regenerated.


  • --config <config> - path to the DotVVM API configuration file (dotvvm-api.json by default).


The metadata of the REST API Bindings are stored in a dotvvm-api.json file. If any of the parameters need to be updated, you can change them there.

Please note that the API client needs to be registered in DotvvmStartup.cs. See REST API bindings chapter for more details.


  1. Registering the API client:
dotnet dotvvm api create http://localhost:43852/swagger/v1/swagger.json DotVVM2.Demo.RestApi.Api Api/ApiClient.cs wwwroot/Scripts/ApiClient.ts
  1. Updating the generated clients:
dotnet dotvvm api regen

See also