Meet Developer Advocates

Published: 3/26/2020 10:57:00 AM

We are glad to bring you more information about DotVVM Developer Advocates. We asked each developer advocate to write a short paragraph about himself and now you can get to know all of them.

DotVVM Advocates

Abdul Rauf

I am a versatile, hands-on, and approachable leader of communities, partnerships, and programs. In my previous roles at YourStory and RebelMouse, I gained experience in managing a range of community projects, within India., and internationally. I am passionate about building communities and bringing technology to people all over the world. Outside of work, I have been volunteering with free and open-source organizations including Mozilla, an organization that promotes openness, innovation, and participation on the Internet. I have also volunteered with other organizations such as Science Hack Day India, Hillhacks, DuckDuckGo.

I get attracted to projects and opportunities that offer a unique perspective and appeal to my interests. I graduated with a B.E. degree in Electronics and Communication from the Khaja Bande Nawaz college of engineering, Visvweswaraya Technological University, India.


Vincent Nwonah

I am a Senior Software Developer working from Africa's Technology Hub - Lagos, Nigeria. My areas of expertise include Xamarin, Asp.Net Core and DotVVM.

I am also now a Developer Advocate for DotVVM, in this role, I show developers how to leverage all the awesome functionalities DotVVM offers out of the box to build large and small applications faster, more securely and cheaper.

I am currently building distributed applications using microservices in C#, Go, and Typescript so feel free to hit me up for conversations about them.


Amir Ismail

I'm a Senior .Net Developer, from Cairo, Egypt. I've +15 years of experience in software development.
I have worked for many companies in different business domains, like Banking, Oil, Flights, and Hotels.

I got certification in project management (PRICNE2), process management (ITIL), software management (Professional Scrum Master , ICP) and Cloud Computing(Azure Fundamental).

Programming and writing code is my passion. I'm a self-learner. I've hands-on Angular, Firebase but mainly coding in C#.

I'm a co-organizer in Azure-Kuwait and Egypt-Azure meetup groups.


Daniel Gomez Jaramillo

I am Daniel Gomez, Systems Engineering student in Cuenca (Ecuador), Gold Student Partner at Microsoft and Community Leader at Microsoft User Group Ecuador.

To this day, I have had the opportunity to generate online and in-person learning spaces through tutorial articles, conferences and workshops so that students, professionals and passionate about technology can acquire new knowledge in this area and can apply them in the future to achieve more.

I am passionate about working and making contributions in the following areas: cloud computing with Azure, web development with .NET, database design and management, artificial intelligence, and software project management.


Igor Drgonec

I am project manager in RIGANTI, small software development company in Czech Republic. Also leading and coordinating DotVVM Developer Advocate program.