Released DotVVM 4.3
We are thrilled to announce the release of DotVVM 4.3. This release brings numerous bug fixes and small improvements, but we managed to add several useful features.
What is coming to DotVVM 5.0: Extensible GridViewDataSet
Although DotVVM 4.3 is still in preview, we have already invested a significant effort into several DotVVM 5.0 features. In this blog series, I’ll briefly share some of the features you can look forward to.
Which component package will work for me?
Quite frequently, we get asked by new DotVVM users which commercial component packages they should purchase – if they need both, which one contains all components, and so on.
App Modernization - Part #4: Migrate ASCX components
This article is the last part of the series:
Released DotVVM 4.2
We are happy to announce the release of DotVVM 4.2 which brings many important improvements, and prepares the ground for DotVVM 5.0 which we’ve already started working on.
Join our DotVVM session at .NET Conf 2023
.NET Conf is a free, three-day, virtual developer event that celebrates the major releases of the .NET development platform. It is co-organized by the .NET community and Microsoft, and sponsored by the .NET Foundation and our ecosystem partners. Come celebrate and learn about what you can do with .NET 8.
App Modernization - Part #3: Migrate ASCX components
This article is the third part of the series:
Announcing Preview 7 of DotVVM 4.2.0
We’ve just published a new public preview of DotVVM 4.2 with a version tag 4.2.0-preview07-final. This version is available for all packages: open-source DotVVM framework, DotVVM Contrib controls, Bootstrap for DotVVM, and DotVVM Business Pack. All these packages are compatible with each other and have been tested together.
Extend static command capabilities with JavaScript translations
Static commands are a powerful feature of DotVVM which lets you modify the viewmodel without calling the server. This is possible because DotVVM can translate some C# calls into JavaScript snippets. We don’t involve WebAssembly in this process – the translation is just a simple transform of the C# expression to a JS one, and the list of supported syntax constructs and APIs is limited.
Moving our Gitter chat to
DotVVM Gitter was a popular place for our community. For years, it helped us to stay in touch with the community and respond their questions.